The Ospreys are back…which makes me think of the ‘Osprey Incident’

Yesterday while working outside I heard the distinctive call of an Osprey. Looking up, I saw a pair circling overhead. They’ve been gone for the winter (they migrate south, sometimes all the way to South America, sometimes closer like California or Florida) and yesterday is the first I’ve noticed them back. In the past two

WHAT ABOUT INTERNAL CONFLICT? “For example, part of me wants to exercise, but another part finds excuses not to.”

We all have ‘PARTS’ within our psyche that have distinct personalities, needs, and wants that are separate from our ‘True Self’ or what Internal Family Systems framework refers to as ‘Self-energy’ (e.g., calm, courageous, creative, clear, curious, compassionate, connected, and confident). The Internal Family Systems model has brought needed awareness to this multiplicity and encourages

A cheap and easy way to keep wildlife out of our boathouse

On North Tenmile Lake, living surrounded by and interacting with wildlife is a given. In our view, they were here before us and so we try to live with them as harmoniously as possible. However, we have our limits when it comes to how animals and plants encroach upon our living space. Our boathouse is