Dr. Ruggiero’s Work Buddy – Miss.Maya

Last July (2023) we adopted a French Bulldog – Maya.  You’ll see she has her own blog (because she is a hoot!), but I wanted to take a moment to share our special “work buddy” relationship and the little cartoons that pop into my head as a result of our interactions.

This is the first time we have ever had a French Bulldog and getting to know their personality type has been interesting.  She is very affectionate, needs a lot of physical contact and play, and is extremely smart. Potty training has been slow to develop but we are finally getting there – Thank goodness!

The thing is…her needs draw a lot of attention from me, especially as a puppy! She has learned to be fairly patient about my need to focus on work for most of the day, but this wanes as the day progresses. She has learned that when I say “bye-bye” to someone on a video call there may be an opportunity for her to get her needs meet by me. By 5pm, her patience is gone and she has a lot of needs. Luckily, we both have many of the same needs that we can accomplish together (e.g., going for a walk, needing to have a snack, playing, going to the bathroom), ha, ha.

After work Agenda – Sherri’s needs versus Maya’s

It’s 5pm and I’m finally off work. I’m imagining some well-deserved me time. Maya, on the other hand, is also thinking about some well-deserved me time.  The issue however, is I’m responsible for both – Ugh. We so try to strike a balance 😊


  1. Patti Thompson


    Sherri the cartoon is precious. Love Maya’s expression. Your agenda looks like fun days but time allotted for reflection. Am going back to exploring tensile lake! Thx

  2. Nicole V


    I love the cartoon and I’ve noticed her behavior has been better while we are on the phone. I do hope you take some good breaks during the day.
    Back to researching your area. Love your blog!

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