Theoretical Orientation

My theoretical orientation is biopsychosocial (e.g., holistically encompassing mind, body, heart, soul, and relational) with a focus on autonomy, choice, owning your own healing process. My role is to provide a safe and non-judgmental platform with appropriate structure, education, curious inquiry. I’m here to help you cultivate more periods of contentment, face the unavoidable hardships of life, and find a way to live in as much balance as possible in a sustainable fashion. We all have a ‘True Self’ that is integrated, whole, and connected. We also have parts (e.g., hidden, disordered eating, perfectionism, people pleasing, addiction) that developed to protect us from pain. Additionally, we may also have had experiences (e.g., challenges, trauma) that take us away from our true nature. The goal is to work together to reveal the best version of yourself at this age and stage.
Education and Interests
I graduated from the University of Colorado-Boulder with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. I worked for the Institute for Behavioral Genetics for 6 years with an emphasis on researching ADHD and learning disabilities at the Institute for Behavioral Genetics. Later, I earned my doctoral degree in psychology from Northern Arizona State University. My dissertation focused on the impact on Mindful Movement on depression, anxiety, self-efficacy, sleep, and physical activity. Early in my working life I spent about a decade as a certified Montessori Early Childhood educator. Maria Montessori’s philosophy continues to inspire me and inform my understanding of how people learn, grow, and thrive.
We know there is a strong connection between physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I have been a certified group fitness instructor since 1994, teaching a variety of classes to support greater physical activity at all levels of mobility. Most recently I have been focused on yoga, strength training, chair exercise, and making more movement accessible no matter what the barrier. I earned my black belt in Tae Kwon Do in 2010, and was a marathon runner for much of my adult life. Physical activity has been a big part of my life from early on. It is an essential component of overall wellness and I frequently address the value of making this a priority with the individuals I work with. I also obtained my Weight Management Certification in 2018.
Professional Experience
Collectively I have over 20 years of experience in the mental health field including working with the seriously mentally ill, inpatient and outpatient facilities, forensic evaluations, research, and more. Beyond clinical work, I am also involved in a variety of leadership and advocacy roles that promote integrity, best practice, provider education, and respect for those I serve. I was president of Northern Arizona Psychological Society from 2018-2023. I am the Northern Arizona representative for Arizona Psychological Association (AzPA) and sit on multiple AzPA committees including rural and ethics.
Beyond individual therapy, I’m involved in a variety of leadership and advocacy roles that promote integrity, best practice, provider education, and respect for those we serve. I was president of Northern Arizona Psychological Society from 2018-2023. I’m currently the Northern Arizona representative for Arizona Psychological Association (AzPA), and sit on multiple AzPA committees including rural and ethics.
My areas of expertise include anxiety, depression, trauma, physical health diagnoses and changes, weight management, disordered eating, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, relationship dysfunction, and more. Basically, I can help you understand your own ‘Mysteries’ and develop an individualized plan to accept, adjust, and create lasting changes in your life toward achieving your health and wellness goals.
Professional Affiliations, Awards, Publications, and Professional Presentations
Professional Affiliations
- International Rescue Committee. Volunteer Asylum Seeking Evaluator, June 2021
- Arizona Psychological Association Leadership Institute participation (inaugural group), November 2018 – November 2019
- Northern Arizona Psychological Society. Member since 2010. President, August 2018 – December 2023
- EMDR International Association (EMDRIA), 2022 – present
- American Psychological Association, 2013 – present
- Arizona Psychological Association, 2013 – present
- AzPA Rural Psychology Committee, 2020 – present
- AzPA Ethics Committee. Member, 2020 – present
- AzPA Leadership Committee, 2022 – present
- Chi Sigma Iota National Honor Society, Beta Alpha chapter, 2010 – present
- Counseling Representative for the academic school year, 2013-2014
- Golden Key National Honor Society, member since 1995, treasurer 1995-96
- 2022: Arizona Psychological Association – Early Career Psychologist Award
- 2016: Northern Arizona Healthcare Research Symposium – Best Poster Presentation
- 2015: Northern Arizona Healthcare Non-Nursing Scholarship recipient. The NAH Foundation
- 2015: Western Psychological Assoc. Annual Conference – Poster Presentation Acceptance
- 2014: Clarence D. Fishburn Scholarship for graduate school $1,000
- 2013: National Psychologist Trainee Register Credentialing Scholarship
- Ruggiero, S. A. (2014). Effectiveness of Mindful Walking on Anxiety, Depression, Sleep, Mood Mindfulness, Physical Self-efficacy, and Activity. Dissertation Successfully Defended October 2014, Submitted to Graduate College December 2014
- Ruggiero, S. A. (2011). The counselor as a human being: A personal perspective Counseling and Wellness: A Professional Counseling Journal, 2, 40-44
- Ruggiero, S. A. (2014). Conceptual Change as it Relates to Motivation to Engage in Regular Physical Exercise. Counseling and Wellness: A Professional Counseling Journal, 4, 71-91
- Ruggiero, S. A., Rabaino, A., Richards, D. & Martin, W. (Spring 2014). Professional Development and Personal Adjustment Predictors of Students’ Self-Reported Counseling Self-Efficacy, Vistas Online.
Professional Presentations
- Burrell, E., Ruggiero, S., Schulte, D. Shrader G., & Williams, E. (2022). The Dharma of Leadership – How to and why you? AZPA 2022 Convention 10/1/22
- Martin, J. B., Authier, C., Ruggiero, S. A., Stewart, J., and Zemanski, M. (2021). Fostering Resiliency Among Rural Healthcare Providers: The role of rural psychology, AZPA 2022 Convention 10/1/22
- Ruggiero, S. A. (2022). Navigating aging, NAH Employee Wellness Program Presentation 6/22/22
- Martin, J. B., Ruggiero, S. A., Stewart, J., & Torres, A. (2022). Stress Management Panel for Yavapai Region Medical Center
- Martin, J. B., Authier, C., Ruggiero, S. A., Stewart, J., and Zemanski, M. (2021). Impact of the Pandemic on Rural Psychology, AZPA 2021 Convention 10/9/21
- Ruggiero, S. A. (2/4/21). Sensorimotor Techniques for Managing Depression and Anxiety. A live Power Point Presentation for NAH Employee Health via Zoom, Flagstaff and Verde Valley, AZ
- Ruggiero, S. A. (11/5/20). How to Manage the ‘Quarantine 15’: Solutions for managing weight during the pandemic. A live Power Point Presentation for NAH Employee Health via Zoom, Flagstaff and Verde Valley, AZ
- Ruggiero, S. A. (8/27/18) Mindful Eating. A live Power Point Presentation for the Diabetes Education and Support Group at Verde Valley Medical Center, Cottonwood, AZ
- Ruggiero, S. A. (8/17/18) Phone Apps in Psychotherapy. A live Power Point Presentation for Northern Arizona Psychological Association at Northern Arizona University – College of Education
- Ruggiero, S. A. (2/26/18) Stress Management. A live Power Point Presentation for the Diabetes Education and Support Group at Verde Valley Medical Center, Cottonwood, AZ
- Ruggiero, S. A., & Martin, J. B. (10/19/17). Experiencing the Impact of Integrated Healthcare. Presented at the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association 2017 Convention in Houston, TX.
- Ruggiero, S. A. (10/2/17). Integrated Healthcare Presentation at NAU graduate school in Counseling Psychology.
- Ruggiero, S. A. (4/12/17). Maintaining Behavior Change: Introduction to the ABC model of cognitive behavioral therapy and common thinking error. Community Chronic Disease Prevention program offered through a cooperative effort by Northern Arizona Healthcare and Northern Arizona University
- Ruggiero, S. A. (3/22/16, 7/12/16, 2/28/17) Mindful Eating. A live Power Point Presentation for a Community Chronic Disease Prevention program offered through a cooperative effort by Northern Arizona Healthcare and Northern Arizona University.
- Sutton, M., Ruggiero, S., Graff, A., & Edgerly, B. (May 2016). Validation of an Art Therapy Assessment with an Inpatient Behavioral Health Hospital Population. Northern Arizona Healthcare Research Symposium, Flagstaff, AZ
- Ruggiero, S. A., Rabaino, A., Richards, D. & Martin, W. E. (2013). Prediction of Self-Compassion and Personal Growth Initiative to Counseling Self-Efficacy. A Poster presentation for the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO
- Ruggiero, S. A., & Martin, W. E. (April 2015). Effectiveness of a Mindful Walking Intervention on Various Wellness Constructs. A Poster Presentation for the Western Psychological Association, Las Vegas, NV