BEING PREPARED…Having a PROACTIVE as well as a REACTIVE plan for managing food choices!

To be successful in life you need a PLAN! This just means aligning your actions with your values so the goals you do attain are satisfying to you. Therefore, if being healthy and weighing less is important to you (i.e., a value), than you will feel good about yourself when you choose foods that allow you to feel healthy and release fat. YOUR plan reflects what works for you, often through trial and error, and it would be unfortunate to lose or forget your hard-earned lessons. In addition, your plan is not stagnant, it reflects what your body needs at the current time. As you make observations, patterns emerge that provide critical information that will help you refine your plan across time. Make note of your discoveries along the way, what works for you, and be open to change so you can respond to it with more ease. Continuing to use and EVOLVE your plan will contribute to its sustainability. Making and adhering to a plan that will nourish you on many levels is one of the most fundamental ways you demonstrate SELF-LOVE! To avoid eating ‘Off Plan’ you must know what is planned or ‘ON TRACK’ for you. This includes what to eat (e.g., foods that make you feel good after you have eaten them), when to eat (e.g., frequent small meals vs. a few bigger meals, not skipping), how to eat (e.g., savoring, numb, resisting, mindless), where to eat (e.g., sitting at the table, in front of the TV or device, standing over the sink, in the car), and with whom you eat (e.g., sharing meals vs. alone, food pushers, critics, know-it-alls, those that share your goals or do not). Be curious, listen to your body and emotions, and notice what behaviors or urges are present. These behaviors make up your ‘Proactive Plan’ for change (e.g., weight loss). Your Proactive Plan is your guide for success, follow it and results will follow. Next, ask yourself, “What happens when I am NOT engaged in my ‘ON TRACK’ behaviors?” (see example at the bottom). Awareness that we are not on the path that will lead us to our goals provides an opportunity to choose differently, but it can also feel discouraging, frustrating, embarrassing, etc. This is where the essential skill of ‘SELF-COMPASSION’ is worth its weight in gold in terms of sustainable change! In many ways, self-compassion is doing for ourselves what we are willing to do for others we love in their time of need (e.g., non-judgmental, honest, comforting). Self-compassion requires at least a mention in a future blog. Finally, we want to have a plan for moments we find ourselves ‘OFF TRACK’ so we can intervene early and effectively. Any momentary lapse from the plan (i.e., a setback, not a failure) can be easily adjusted for at the next meal or at least noticing if this impacts average daily intake. The plan is so vital because when we are upset (as we often are when we disappoint in ourselves) it is difficult to think logically. Emotional reasoning tends to focus on what we want rather than what is best for us in the long run. When we are upset, we want to feel better (e.g., eat food), not do what would be best for us (i.e., wise mind, self-energy, long-term focus that aligns with values). So, when you become aware that you are veering ‘OFF-TRACK,’ congratulate yourself for noticing. It is only when you notice that you can stop practicing the old behavior and be aligned to choose differently. The mindset is important here! If you believe you are off-track you will behave off-track. Therefore, start by choosing 5 things you can DO from the list you develop (e.g., ‘Steps to get Back On track’) and then notice how you feel. Repeat as needed until you have sufficiently come back to yourself and are using your proactive plan to stay (feel and act) ON TRACK 😊 Example Below:


How will I know when I am Off-Track?

It has been 3 days since I exercised. I didn’t track all my food. My pants are tighter – I’m only wearing stretchy pants. The scale is going up. I’m avoiding my diet buddy. I have the thought “I don’t care.” I buy junk food and have it in the home/office. Getting sick more frequently. Going on vacation. Being offered a ‘trigger’ food. Experiencing disappointment. Changes in your routine.

Self-Compassion Statement:

“I am disappointed about being off-track.” “Others feel down when they go off-track too.” “May I be kind to myself and take the steps I need to get back on-track.”

Steps to get back On-Track:

Read my list of reasons to change (e.g., lose weight)

Contact a diet buddy

Take a walk

Engage in distractions

Cleanout  the fridge/pantry

Look at Sabotaging Thinking

Use CUE CARDS to change my thinking

Use behavioral cues (“Well Done” clip, Mindful Fork)

Start asking yourself “Am I (belly) Hungry?” before taking a bite of food.

Ask: Am I hungry?

If the answer is yes (to belly hunger), eat according to your plan.

If the answer is no and unplanned foods are tempting you ask, “Will I feel better or worse after I eat this (physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally, or spiritually)?” and use your distractions, self-soothing, or ‘Back On Track’ strategies to avoid practicing this old behavior (i.e., eating when not hungry) that gets in the way of you being as thin and healthy as you can be.

The above example is a combination of many years working with people learning to live more healthfully. Feel free to start with this template and make it your own through trial, observation, reflection, and self-discovery. WRITE A COMMENT and let me know what your learning as you create your PLAN FOR SUCCESS!

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