After a long hiatus, I’m back

Life has a way of…well, happening. That’s got to be one of the most ridiculously obvious statements ever, but it’s my only defense for not keeping up on this. (Many) other things got in the way. Living on a boat-access-only property tends to keep you busy. On the plus side, I have much to share from the past two years. From this point on, barring some exceptionally life jarring event, I’m going to keep making regular entries to this blog.

March 25th will mark us living here for two years. There’s been many power outages (at least 10-15 since we’ve moved in, more on that later), weather events, animal issues, water supply / infrastructure issues, equipment failures, etc. When something does break, it’s very difficult to get a professional out here to fix it. Fortunately, I’ve handled all but the most complicated projects and repairs myself for most of my adult life, so I’ve been able to MacGyver the crap out of a lot of things and get us by. Despite the hardships, do we still love it? Yes, more than ever. Nothing compares to the tranquility and beauty of the property.

View from our main deck

I’d also like to clear one thing up if there’s any confusion. We do not live on an island. We live on a strip of lakefront property that is backed by land owned by logging companies, and those logging companies have refused us access to cross their land. Frustratingly, there is a public road less than two miles from where I’m sitting, but we have no access to it. More on that later.

In the months following, I’ll detail many of our experiences over the past two years and try to paint a picture of what life is like living on a property where there is no road access. Some stories sound too fantastical to be true – like the time when a full-sized fish fell out of the sky. That’s a teaser :).

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