Foxglove and Rhododendrons are blooming!

Spring is my favorite season on the lake. Not only have the long, soaking rains of winter ended and we are flooded with long, sunny days, but everything starts waking up and blooming with the promise of new life. Frogs are croaking in our little bay, and strings of ducklings and goslings follow their parents on the lake like beads on a string. But perhaps my favorite part is the flowering of our foxgloves and rhododendrons…they add a splash of color under the forest canopy (which they seem to prefer over direct sunlight). Here’s a picture of a rhododendron flowering behind our wood shed:

Here’s a shot of the foxglove just beginning to open along the path out of our back door:

Later in the spring, the stalks will be anywhere from 5′ to 8′ tall and laden with the purple flowers that you can see are just starting to open here. I’ll try to post another picture at peak blooming season. Note that when we moved in, this area was a dense tangle of Trailing Pacific Blackberry. We’ve gone a long ways towards transforming it into a ‘sunny meadow’ vibe.

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